Wednesday, October 4, 2006


Last night we arrived in Jaipur, and its a much nicer city than Agra. Its a lot cleaner, and there is way more to do. Also, its not quite as hot. So this morning the first thing we did was straighten out our train ticket from Darjeeling to Calcutta. Its always a chore going to the rail station, as there are tons of hassles. But from there, we did a bit of shopping. We bought ourself a nice throw for our bed, along with two silk pillowcases and a shirt for me. We also had some lunch. Ashley has grown terribly fond of fresh lime sodays (thanks Rebecca).

From shopping, we headed over to Rebecca's host family during her stay in Jaipur. Auntie and Uncle Singh along with their charming daughter Rose. Wow, what a treat. I consider it the highlight to our trip to India so far. We visited with them and had some tea (I love Indian Tea, very flavorful if not slightly sweet). Then Uncle drove us around and showed us Jaipur. He took us up into the hills near town and showed us this area with tons of monkeys. We must have seen 500 monkey (see flickr)!!!!! It was absolutely crazy. It gets even better as Uncle invited us over for dinner. What a fabulous meal! It was our best meal in India, not only for the food but also for the company.

1 comment:

  1. How kind of them to show you around and feed you and it was great of Rebecca to hook you up with them. Be sure and learn how to cook some Indian food while you're there.
