Sunday, October 8, 2006

Hanging with Uncle

We had a really nice day today. Uncle, Ashley and I went to Elephanta Island. Its this Island about 1 hr boat ride from central Bombay. It has these rock temples to various gods (mainly Shiva). Anyway, it was pretty cool to check out the caves and the statues. The exact history of the caves are unknown, but they date from around 500 AD. There were 5 caves with one being the main cave and a temple to Shiva, the god of destruction. The statues and carvings are very intricate and for the most part in pretty good shape. The pictures (check flickr) came out only so so due to the lack of light, but they were very impressive.

Other notables:
- Uncle got us some fresh squeezed cane juice. We have seen it all over the place but were scared to try any fresh squeezed juice (guidebook warned us). Uncle took us to a reputable place. It was quite tasty.
- We also tried these "Bombay Burgers" which are veggie burgers (fried potatoes). They were quite tasty but slightly spicy.
- We also checked out a Jain temple. We almost went to see one in Delhi, but you have to take your shoes off and the area in Delhi did not look hygienic (standing water, rats). It was good to check out the temple and Jainism is a very interesting religion.
- Uncle was a terrific guide. He is knowledgeable about a wide variety of subjects, and doesn't mind Ashley and I constant questions. Plus the local touch keeps beggars and touts away.
- So you know, Uncle and Auntie are generic terms you use to describe relationships. They aren't my uncle or aunt as you think of it, but its what you call someone to show respect. I like the tradition and it came very natural.


  1. so nice to have such a wonderful host as uncle and auntie..
    wagley is happy
    pj is happy
    mom is sad...LSU lost :(

  2. Yeah, it has to do with elephant carvings they found there. We saw about 20 elephants in Jaipur, I thought Ashley talked about it in her post. I guess she didn't.

    Auntie and Uncle are great hosts. The food is out of sight and they won't let us lift a finger to help.
