Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Cows, Monkeys, Camels Oh My!

Cow update- there are TONS of cows in Agra, all over the place! But I was talking to this nice guy on the train to Agra about the cows in Delhi and I said I thought they looked pretty healthy and he told me they are not. That when one cow in Delhi died they cut open his stomach and he had 59 undigested plastic bags in his stomach! So now I am not as totally excited when I see cows, but it is still pretty cool to see them just sitting in the middle of the road!
Monkeys- we saw this large (in number) monkey family at the Red Fort in Agra yesterday...so stinkin' cute! The babies were being bad! Then this Indian family with a kid throw down a cracker to them and about 3 of them scaled the walk in NO TIME FLAT and were coming towards us to get more food!!!- Michael and I high-tailed it out of there, as our drs. scared us both with talk about rabies before we left America.
Saw our first camels in Agra...should see lots more in Jaipur, we head there tonight via train.

India is amazing! Some things I of course don't like...like all the sickly looking street dogs they are EVERYWHERE, but I am loving so much other stuff about it! life in America seems like a B&W tv show compared to India which is in techno-color with surround sound!!!


  1. WOW...glad you are enjoying India.
    We enjoy the colorful narrative.
    All is well in B&W Cataula.

  2. I love the photos of India! My favorite one is of Ashley with the dosa (what the heck is it? Looks DELISH) and the bottle of GermX right next to it. Interesting choice of condiment! - Carissa

  3. Wow guys! You look great in Indian clothes. Good job. Ashley, I 100% agree with you about India being in technicolor, US is so boring and quiet sometimes, especially right after I got back. The thing about the cows stinks, now they are having a campaign to not use plastic bags but it didn't seem to be having too much success. But apparently now the vegetable sellers give the vegetables in something besides plastic bags so that is a good start I guess. Sorry ya'll are sick--spicy food and spicy chai might help with sinuses! We love reading your blog. Have fun in Jaipur. Rebecca
    Ps-I had scary monkey experiences too, they are a bit freaky but cute from a distance. I'm getting rabies vaccine next time!

  4. Dad is so proud that a bottle of GermX made the blog. Really like the look of your Indian clothes.

    Dad still wants to eat Italian food every day...will it ever end?

    love, Mom, Dad, PJ & Wags

  5. I had never really considered going to India before -- seemed so overwhelming. After reading your postings, I desperately want to go! It looks and sounds amazing.

  6. Thanks for the great pics and the great updates. I am so thrilled that you two are seeing so much and keeping us in the loop. I love reading what you are doing and where you are going. Keep up the good work and take care of yourselves.

  7. Great to see where you are and especially hearing about India.

    Caroline from Warsaw
