Wednesday, October 25, 2006

At long last....The Marriott!

After fantazing for 3+ months, we have finally made it to the Marriott Resort in Thailand (We are using Michael's Marriott points from all his travels to San Fran for 5 nights on the beach).

The train ride to Hua Hin from Bangkok was rough- 4 1/2 hours, non air-conditioned and packed! But Michael made friends with a cute Thai boy and helped him with a puzzle. We were HOT, tired and cranky after the train ride...Upon arriving at the Marriott we were greeted with a lai of orchids, ice cold lemon grass water and a cold compress for our heads- YEAH- The Seymour's had arrived!!! The resort is totally plush! (but still doesn't make up for Michael being gone so much from me- who am I kidding- it totally does ;)


  1. The beach looks wonderful--I know you two are ready for a little luxury. I'll bet they don't get too many backpacking customers there. Enjoy!

  2. Have a nice rest and enjoy the hot showers and relax with a cold drink.
    dad, mom, wags, dennis and pj

  3. Did you take that photo of the beach, or is it from a brochure? Who am I kidding - does it matter!?! I am so jealous, but can't wait to read all about your luxurious stay at the Marriott! By the way - as cool as that hut looked, I could not have dealt with Chirpers McChirperson... Sorry - no way! Miss you both! It snowed about 4 inches in Denver today. Supposed to be 60 tomorrow... Oh yeah, you're laying on the beach and don't give a flying Chirpers McChirperson!
    Love you both, Carissa

  4. We stole the picture off the marriott web page. carissa - you are a stinker for calling us out.
