Monday, October 9, 2006

Aunties, Uncles & Bollywood rule!

If you ever have a chance to do a home stay in India I highly recommend it!
Thanks to our cousin Rebecca we had the opportunity to stay in the home of
her boyfriend's parents. What a treat! Auntie and Uncle were so welcoming
to us, made us feel right at home. They also made sure that we had a taste
of all the yummy food that Bombay is famous for- we very much enjoyed that
part :) Tonight we had awesome all natural fruit ice cream- some of the
best ice cream I have ever had in my life and trust me I have had a lot of
ice cream in my time!

Today we saw a Bollywood movie at the theatre, Bollywood movies rule because
they do these huge over-the-top song and dance numbers throughout the movie! At the beginning of the movie they played the Indian national anthem and everyone in the theatre stood up during it which we thought was cool. Indians have a lot of national pride and we can see why, it is an amazing country. What I love about India is that when the world is getting more homogenized, you can go to India and it still has such a unique culture and is still such an exotic and exciting location!


  1. What wonderful memories y'all will have. So glad your trip there was such a success.
    dad, mom, wags, pj

  2. Was the movie in English? Sounds like a fun evening.

  3. Honestly, I've never thought of India as a destination that I wanted to visit - but thanks to your blog I am already thinking of how to get there! You are having the experience of a lifetime and I'm grateful that you're sharing. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
    Much love, Carissa

  4. I've become an arm chair traveler and love reading about your adventures. I'm sooooo jealous!

    Safe travels,
    Sharon and Miss Ellie

  5. the movie was in hindi. we only followed it a little bit, but the reason to watch it is to watch the crowd. there was not much of a crowd, so.....

    India is awesome, but it can be challenging.

