Tuesday, September 26, 2006

To India

After 64 nights, 7 countries, 6 currencies, 26 rooms, 4 airplane, 27 trains, 19 buses and a whole lot of fun, we head to India tomorrow. We are both nervous and excited about India. It will be nice to see a different culture, namely one not based on Judeo-Christian thought patterns. At the same time, India is till developing and I have heard that the poverty can be crushing to visitors.

I would expect our updates to the blog will be slightly sparser and fewer pictures, but we will try to record our thoughts as we go along.

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  1. Go India! Have a fun time guys. It will be all good. Hope its not too hot. Enjoy the food like one of your other commenters said. And enjoy the rickshaws too. Europe sounds pretty awesome though, kudos for going to eastern Europe! Rebecca

  2. oh yeah and looking back over i saw the MULLET issue come up. Well I think you will rock the MULLETS in India along with the thick moustaches (especially in Rajasthan). They show how manly you are and everyone has them. Along with pierced ears with cute little red earings to finish off the masculinity. On both sides. Check it out in Jaipur and tell me if I'm right or wrong!!!! Rebecca G.
