Monday, September 25, 2006

Some Good Europe Memories

There are some stories of things that have happened to us that I would like to codify for myself, so I don't forget. Here they are:
- Ashley the navigator. Normally, I do the navigation in cities but one night Ashley used her crafty ability to guide us home. It was in Eger and we had visited Valley of the Beautiful Woman (cheap wine), and we were a little tipsy. Anyway, we get near our apartment but we can't find the building I was walking around in circles trying every door, Ashley insisted we try a path, I just knew was the wrong way. Turned out to be the right way....
- In Prague, we needed to buy some mosquito repellant (additional supplies, we have plenty but just to be safe for India). Anyway, we went to a few sporting good stores and looked. We couldn't find any, so we asked the sale clerk where we could get some. He said "In Czech Republic, we have very special mosquito repellant. Its called Off."
- Ashley and I have some code names for different types of people. For instance, when anyone packs a lunch we say they must be Dutch as the Dutch are notorious for not buying anything when they visit. Whenever we see people making out, we call them Hungarians. All over Hungary, we saw people making out.....but not really anywhere else. If we see really drunk people, we call them Slovakians. As one day we saw a passed out man when we arrived in Levoca and he was still there when we left.
- We don't cram in a lot of sights when we travel, but we do wander around a look. I call this wandering aimlessly. We took this to a new level in Rome, as we were on a tight budget and the metro system sucked.
- Trying to recreate American foods. Sometimes we both wanted something we tried to find it or recreate it. It almost always came out terrible. We have given up on some things.

I am sure there are other stories that I would like to remember.....but I can't.

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  1. It's good to hear from you. I know you're excited about the next leg on your journey. I hope it will be as rewarding as the European portion.

  2. I would guess that if you listen to your beautiful, witty, precious, sweet, helpful, kind, loving wife, she will keep you on the right path...... and I am completely objective.
    ashley's dad
