Monday, September 18, 2006


On Sunday, we day tripped it into Florence to catch the birthplace of the renaissance. It was quite a sight, we checked out the Douma and the Academia with the highlight being David. David truly was a sight to behold, I understand why many scholars call it the greatest sculpture ever. The Douma was just ok.

Ashley and I decided to check out some monks chanting, which Dianne's guidebook (Frommer's) indicated started at 4:30. Pic and Dianne opted for some window shopping due to the steep climb up to the church. Well, once we climbed up to the top (it was quite a climb), we discovered that it was actually at a different time. Naturally we were disappointed and it cemented the fact in our mind that Frommer's guidebooks suck. Anyway, we headed back to Lucca where we had a great dinner at a local trattoria.

Overall, all of us (including Pic and Dianne) have really loved Italy....mainly for the following reasons
- Wine. You can get quality wine at low prices (<$3.50), its better than many a $10 bottle I have drunk in Denver. Also, house wines at restaurants are very tasty.
- People. The people of Italy have quite a bit of character - we have really enjoyed interacting with them as they are friendly.
- Food. Its really good, especially the pizza and the salami.

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  1. We're glad to see a blog entry, especially one about Florence as I have always wanted to go there. I am so glad the four of you are having a great time. I hope the weather is cooperating.

  2. Good thing you guys have moved on from Budapest...did you see the crushing riots they had there yesterday?

  3. I am sitting here eating breakfast catching up on my favorite bloggers and you have inspired me... It's okay to have a glass of wine with breakfast, right? :) Miss you both! Otis and Cowboy send their love to their Georgia girlfriend, Wags.
    - Carissa
