Sunday, September 10, 2006

life on the road

We have been living on the road for 45 days now I thought I had finally gotten used to living out of a backpack...We bought this cool security mesh stuff to lock around one of our backpacks to keep all our important stuff and all these electrical gadgets in when we are in hostels, etc...Michael's huge backpack doesn't fit in it,so mine gets to be the one locked up all the time (the first time we backpacked through Europe, maybe 6 years ago, we didn't even have a lock for our packs! Now we have this whole complicated security system!) Anywho...It is kind of a pain in the arse b/c to get all the stuff in when need to lock up, I am constantly having to take stuff out of my pack, then lock it up, dig through it when I need stuff, just doesn't stay in the orderly fashion I would like.
Well...after 45 days one would think I would be used to it. And I thought I had, as just yesterday I was bragging to Lynn and Ervin about how I used to get so upset about having to take stuff out of my pack and it getting all disorganized b/c mine was the security pack and how now I was a seasoned traveler and that kind of stuff didn't even phase me anymore! Well, when we got home last night I couldn't find my washcloth in my pack! And I totally freaked out and went on a bender to Michael about how he doesn't understand how hard it is for YOUR pack to be the security pack and how all my stuff gets jumbled up in my pack, etc. Totally deflating my veteran backpacker cockiness!
P.S. I found my washcloth about 30 min. later 


  1. enjoyed your life on the road...
    looking forward to seeing ya'll in a few days.
    mom and dad

  2. I was visualizing your secruity breakdown as I read it. Right now, we're trying to decide if we bringing too much or too little. See you soon :)

    love, Mom and Dad

  3. 45 days before a meltdown? That is a stat to be proud of. Sounds like y'all are having a wonderful time. Please keep posting the updates - we love to check them out and imagine what your travels must be like.
    Ward & Rebecca
    PS - We are loving Michigan!
