Monday, August 7, 2006


We left Cesky Krumlov, our favorite stop thus far, this morning in the rain. The rain is really starting to get annoying, its pretty much rained non stop since we arrived. We have rain jackets but they are not that useful for non-stop raining or protecting our packs in the rain.

We caught the early bus to Ceske Budjovice, then a local one to Trebon. Traveling on buses isn't that bad although the bus drivers are very cranky. To tell you the truth most service workers are cranky. The locals you meet not in the service profession are very helpful but the rest just seem to be angry at the world. At first we thought it was "anti-americanism" but after conversing with others its just how they are.

So far Trebon is very lovely, its a lot less touristy than Cesky Krumlov, although we continue to hear the ring of German in the air. Oh, well, we are more off the beaten path. This afternoon we checked out a very tiny museum called Man and Landscape where we learned about local history. The region is a Unesco protected area, as they created a series of fish ponds in the 1500s which are both historical and act as wet lands. The musuem provided some good background on the region. It had some English languge options which was a treat as most everything is in Czech outside of major tourist attractions and select hotel restuarants.

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