Friday, August 18, 2006

Pet Update

The Seymour pets are doing great at their temporary homes away from home. Spaz and Sprout survived their first California earthquake unscathed at their wine country b&b (aka Amy & Jeff's house). Wagley on the other hand is picking up some bad habits from her cousin PJ at Camp Cataula (aka the Rube's house). It appears that she has taken up common barking instead of the more dignified hound dog howl.
But really, we are able enjoy our trip so much more knowing that our pets are in such good hands!


  1. I've been talking to Dad daily, checking on PJ and Wags. He didn't tell me the howl is gone. I really am enjoying the pictures and travel thoughts and activities.

  2. Glad pets are doing well at their respective vacation homes:) Mosi says Hi!
