Tuesday, August 15, 2006

See Rock City

This morning (Saturday), I am mentioning the days as we are in the boonies and its doubtful you will see a post until Tuesday, we took the train to Teplice. Teplice is a little town near Poland in the Czech mountains. Its very tranquil up here. Anyway, the reason we came is to hike in the woods and to see these rock formations. Well, they call the rock formations - Rock City, and while its similar to Rock City,TN, its more natury and no costumed characters. We hiked around and saw the formations about 4 miles round trip. It was truly beautiful, it reminded us of Bryce Canyon hoodoos, but not quite as alien looking.

Then we walked into town to buy groceries....we forgot that in CZ groceries stores close at 11am on Saturdays, and are closed on Sundays. Well, Ashley started to think that she would be eating peanut butter and raisins for dinner, as that is all we have food wise and the restaurant nearby will only serve meat. Luckily we found a little mini mart and picked up some basic staples. We will eat, but it will be flavorless. We are staying in a lovely pensions inside the Rock City area. We can hear a babbling brook from our room, very quaint.

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