Saturday, August 5, 2006


Last night we arrived in Cesky Krumlov, which is quite lovely, and we went out on the town with some people we met in our hostel. We had a blast as we got wasted on Absinthe. We are now paying the price. I think I have partially fixed the picture you may see more pics if we remember to take them.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Are you impressed we remembered your webpage? Hope now you've got rid of some excess clothes you've got more room for storing absinthe supplies (!)

    Our last night at Krumlov house saw Rob get food poisoning, so maybe you were better off going to the veggie restaurant after all. We are back in the UK now, Rob's still suffering! (He is also not too happy that you called him British in your photo caption!)

    Enjoy yourselves, and keep in touch

    Gemma and Rob

    ps I promise not mention arm wrestling.
