Sunday, December 3, 2006

Whale Watching

This is something that I have always wanted to do (same with Carla) so given the opportunity to whale watch off the coast of NZ how could we not!

The weather the day before on our drive up to Kaiboura was terrible, windy and overcast...but we all tried to keep a positive attitude that the morning of our whale watch would be okay. It was better than okay, it was totally clear and beautiful! The day before (when we went to see a seal colony) I didn't even know there were snow capped mountains right beside the ocean!

The whale watching was better than I had even hoped. The weather was beautiful, the scenery breathtaking and the whales were amazing! They were giant sperm whales (moby dick). They are deep water feeders and luckily right off the coast of Kaikoura is this really deep underwater canyon that male sperm whales hang out in while they are growing. We saw 3 different whales do 5 dives. Hands down one of the most memorable and amazing experiences of my life!


  1. Absolutely awesome! Heidi

  2. Ashley hey Robbie Martin. Contact me thru myspace if you want.
