Sunday, December 3, 2006

Jay and Carla

So our friends from Denver, Jay and Carla, came to visit us in New Zealand. They just left this morning and we had a grand time with them. They stopped over in Australia and then popped over to New Zealand for an adventuresome 3 days.

We picked them up last Thursday.......and headed straight to our hostel. Luckily Jay and Carla are of the hosteling type, easy to please with the accommodation. Even luckier is that we had a nice hostel not too far from the center of Christchurch. After a quick trip to the market, Jay cooked us an awesome dinner.....veggies and cream sauce over pasta. We then proceeded to get intoxicated and did some bar hopping.

On Friday in the daytime, we headed over to the Canterbury museum in Christchurch and got the low down on Maoris, Antarctica, Colonization and native animals. We then had a nasty drive up to Kaikoura. It was rainy, cold and windy. Our car battery also died along the way. But we made it. We then had a dinner at a local pub, and headed back to the hostel were we caught up with some fellow travelers. Quite a nice time.

On Saturday, we went Whale Watching. See Ashley's post for details. I will say that it was awesome. Saturday night Jay made another fab meal of coconut curry vegetables. Very yummy. We dropped them off this morning.

I have to say that it was a real treat seeing them. They are good friends, who are now much better friends. We made lots of future trip plans


  1. Great pictures--having captions makes them even better. I've always heard that New Zealand is beautiful and you're proving it. I know its lots of fun for you to have someone to share these adventures with.

  2. Fantastic pictures and descriptions! I would love to whale watch... Maybe a honeymoon in NZ is in order! Miss and love you lots (again while eating breakfast and living vicariously!) - Carissa and Otis and Cowboy
