Thursday, December 14, 2006

Back in the Good Ole USA

After 30 something hours of traveling we made it safe and sound to Georgia, where we will spend the next few days before traveling around for the holidays.


  1. Welcome back!!! What an amazing adventure. Thanks for letting us all take a vicarious journey with you. Can't wait to see you both!!
    Heidi & Luke

  2. Hi - I'm a friend of Michael's Mom- aka Lynn. I've really enjoyed your trip from start to finish. Thank you both for being so candid and taking the time to blog. I certainly enjoyed your photos as well. You were so fearless.
    Best to you both,

  3. Welcome Home,

    What an amazing trip! I truly appreciate the your time & effort of sharing the adventure. I can't wait to see you. Ashley, How is Wagley? Merry Christmas!!!
    Denise & Buddy Dugan

  4. I feel empty without the blog - but I cannot wait to see you in Denver!! Then I won't feel empty any more.... - Carissa

  5. Well, what an amazing trip! I shall miss the blog too, it's been really great.
    Hope that it's good to be back home.
    All the best,
    Caroline Morris
