Monday, February 1, 2016

Jungle Trekking Tomorrow

Last night we had quite the feast at Linnea lodge.  Two nights ago there wasn't much to choose from on the menu, and the staff felt bad about it.  So they went crazy and gave us seven dishes - chip cha, fried noodles, some sort of egg dish, chicken satay, soup, and the traditional fruit at the end of the meal.  They did give us looks when we didn't finish it, but we were not given an option on the ordering end.  The food so far has been stellar, we have really enjoyed all the vegetarian options.  

This morning we drove from Tangkahan to Bukit Luwang, where we are staying at the very generic sounding EcoLodge.  It was a 3 hour drive that was very bumpy, but we were constantly greeted by children yelling HELLO.  It was cute.  

We just ate lunch at the Eco Lodge and saw more wildlife at our lunch than we did the entire time at Tangkahan.  Its not to say we didn't enjoy Tangkahan, we loved the service we got, but would have liked to see more things than leeches!  

Tomorrow we head out on a two day jungle trek.  We hope to see orangatuns.  

We have enjoyed the tour so far.  Having all the logistics taken care of is pretty convenient.  Its also nice that its all private but our guide is always guiding and wanting to talk to us.  It can be a tad exhausting.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great meal. I hope your wildlife viewing is better on your jungle trek. We're anxious to see some orangutan photos.
