Thursday, February 11, 2016

Five Keys to Happy Travels

Five Keys to Happy Travels

  1. Always do the pat down. Referring to your passport. Especially if you get upgraded to first class and get shitcanned, we know this from personal experience.

  2. Keep some T.P. on the quick release. Tummys get weird & US sanitation is a national treasure. So having some TP on your person is the way to go.

  3. Learn some language basics. As we learned in kindergarten, Please and Thank You, warm peoples cockles, esp. if they can understand you.

  4. At some point, be in control of your food. For trips spanning weeks find a self-catering place where you can cook up some familiar foods & have some tummy normalcy.

  5. Keep a travel journal. At the end of each trip I ask myself the same questions & record them in my travel journal: trip takeaways, what do I wish I packed, etc. Then I read my travel journal before packing for a trip and I am set!

We ditched our tour guide a few days ago and now go the remainder of our trip on our own Seymour style. The Tour Guide had some pluses: 1) He knew the locations of all the clean toilets in Northern Sumatra , 2) And with the goal of this trip, aside from spotting some Great Apes, reaching Relaxation Station, having someone handle logistics has helped us get there quicker. But I am excited to be on our own. I actually miss the buzz you get after successfully navigating a stressful logistical moment in a foreign country. Or maybe I just miss the beer that we get to chill us out so we can handle the stressful logistical moment! :) 

1 comment:

  1. It's fun and a little scary to be on your own. Good luck! Are you seeing any birds? You haven't posted any photos of them and we've been wondering.
