Thursday, July 13, 2006

Winter Park, the beach and mating manatees

On Monday night we drove down to stay with my mother in Winter Park Florida. It was a rather tedious drive (we have driven close to 3000 miles in the last 3 weeks), but well worth it. We had dinner with gram, gramps, Kelly (my cousin), Mindy (my other cousin), my mom, Ervin, and my two second cousins - Alex and Elias. We had some yummy pizza, yummier gelato and even better company!

On Tuesday, I had to work all day but after working was through we headed over to the national seashore at Merrit word wow. We saw some manatees, which Ashley loved. We couldn't see them too well, but it was cool to see them in the middle of the summer. Also, we checked out the beach and waded a bit. For dinner, we ate a rustic seafood restaurant and had some rock shrimp, which were very tender and sweet.

We loved the national seashore so much we decided to go back on Weds, but this time we packed a dinner and got started a little earlier. Again, we checked out the manatees before heading to the beach. This time the view was much better, and the manatees were mating! Those sea cows were having a virtual orgy, rolling around, grunting and splashing. Very cool to see manatees get some action. Then we went to the beach and swam along with a picnic. After we finished picnicking, we had a raccoon stalk us. He really wanted our food and we guessed by his action that people give him their lunches to get him to go away. Ervin acted like a real American hero and chased him away. But he kept coming back, so we called it a night and went back to the house where we swam in the pool and made travel plans.

I will have to say the highlight of my visit with mom is her outdoor shower (the food she made was awesome, but the shower was better). It was quite relaxing to shower with an open sky. Some days I took multiple showers!

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