Saturday, July 8, 2006


After driving to Cataula from Baton Rouge, we had a great couple of evenings so far. On Thursday night, we just we did lots of partying in Baton Rouge. On Friday, we had a very nice day. I worked but Ashley drove to pick up her friend Herpreet who was in the ATL for work. We came down, had a fire, ate some pizza, drank some toddies and just hung out. It was a nice time.

Today, we got up and I made omlets for cheese, spinach and tomato. Pic made some bacon, which was absolutely awesome. I love bacon, I forget sometimes how good it is. Its pretty much heaven. We also took a nice walk around the hood, we have had great weather everywhere. While its been raining non stop, the temperatures have been relatively mild which our colorado blood cannot tolerate. I also helped Pic fix a fence in the back yard, it was actual real work (yuck!). Tonight our neices are coming down from Atlanta, which will be a nice....its always good to see the little ones.

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