The real excitement came when our plane arrived late in Jakarta. We got in around 00:30, and we get through customs/immigrations pretty easily only to find that our driver wasn't there. We hired a tour company to handle for this type of situation, getting off a plane all jet lagged and bleary eyed only to have to figure our transportation was not what we wanted. I was quite scared that our tour was messed up, and we would be on our own to figure this stuff out. But alas, we took a taxi to our hotel and they had our room all settled up. Apparently our driver fell asleep in the parking lot of the airport.
We got into our room around 2:30am. Luckily we probably slept 10+ hrs on the various flights, so we werent too tired for our 7am wakeup call. The breakfast buffet was massive and we hardly recognized anything on it. And the tour company felt bad and sent a more senior person to take us to the airport and apologize for the inconvenience.
The jakarta airport is pretty modern, and very western. Yes most of the women are wearing headscarves but they have KFC, krisy kreme and starbucks to name a few chains. We are enjoying a cup of very sweet indonesian coffee before our flight to Medan.